Overall Sales Were Down
When I look at the sales figures for JamBusters! in December 2017 and 2018 I see that the total jar count is down slightly from last year. In reality, we are talking about just 30 jars difference but for the year, our total sales are up considerably. Where we see a huge increase is in the other products we vend alongside JamBusters! Our Watkins sales were much higher this month than the same period a year ago. In fact, we have noticed quite a difference in our revenues related to the Watkins line of products we carry and sell in Oliver.
Two New Records Were Also Set
Looking just at December, and just the totals recorded in Oliver, JamBusters! set a couple of new records for 2018. We had our single best day of sales the weekend prior to Christmas. Our jar count total was up quite a bit from the previous single day record that was set back in March of this year. The best weekend for us this year in Oliver was also that same pre-Christmas weekend which bested a previous record that dated back to late August 2018. Our single best sales day of 2018 was not in Oliver, but was in Keremeos in late September.
It Was A Very Active Year
I intend to write more about the entire year we had for JamBusters! and Watkins next month but I can tell you that we had a very busy 2018. It went from having more produce available than we could store to having to put in long hours processing in order to keep up. Overall, we accomplished a great deal this past year, which was quite easily the most extensive year of production and sales we have had since we launched JamBusters! We are going to take away many lessons learned during 2018 and apply them to 2019 for guidance.
More Changes Coming In The Next Year
As both George and I have committed to continue weekly vending in Oliver for 2019, it means we have to take a closer look at the rest of the vending calendar. We want to go back to having more venues to attend while operating our booth in Oliver. We also want to try to vend in our hometown of Princeton more frequently. There are also storage problems that will be resolved as well as keeping up with production when produce comes available. You could say we’ll be doing some fine tuning in 2019 as we continue to explore our vending potential.