The Numbers Are Up And Down
We discussed numbers earlier this year and made a pact that we were not going to get too hung up on sales stats. Sure, we still keep track of them for inventory purposes, but a good day or a bad day of sales isn't all that big a deal to us this year. We know that we have a product line that attracts customers (JamBusters!) as well as being Independent Consultants for another well-known product line that attracts customers (Watkins). So we just enjoy the vending days as they happen.
Plus, since we moved to a different location in the Oliver Indoor Flea Market before the reopening in late June, our numbers can't be compared. At least not to the previous ones recorded when we were in the Yellow Room - a building three doors away from the main building we are currently located in. That puts a different spin on the numbers so we just go with whatever happens and hope for the best.
Double Our Old Sales Figures?
George tells me that in July 2020, we sold a total of 104 jars of product at the market. We have sold close to another 100 jars through sales that have taken place away from the market. That is roughly well over double our normal volume for the average month. The Watkins sales have also taken a spike with figures over double previous market dates. So you can say things have changed.
But looking at individual dates, we still have single-digit jar sale days. We also set two new records for 2020 in July. Our best sales day so far was July 19, where we sold 31 jars. The following weekend, on July 26, we had our worst-ever day with just one jar sold at the market. However, other jars were sold that same day away from the market. July is also the third full month this year the market has been open.
What Is Causing The Sales Shifts?
I have a theory. Considering that COVID-19 has forced the cancellation of all large events, summer travelers and locals have lost several activities that would have kept them busy on the hot days. With the Oliver Indoor Flea Market open for business - with COVID-19 protocols in place - the site has become a destination of sorts. Attendance figures are being recorded and they verify my theory.
Also, the changes that have taken place at the market with the removal of vendors from the far building and relocating them to available space in one large building has kept customer traffic in one place. With over 20 vendors under the same roof, it has given customers a better set up. The flow within the building has improved with a designated path that is one way in/one way out giving each vendor exposure.
August Is Just Around The Corner
Partly due to George's congestive heart failure recovery, and partly due to changes in how we have approached vending JamBusters! and Watkins this year, we have not added any out-of-town outdoor venues. The COVID-19 protocols are pretty tight on those at the moment and as a result, we are quite happy just sticking to our two days a week in Oliver. That being said, I anticipate a busy rest of the summer.
August is usually the hottest month around here which attracts a lot of visitors. With the normal summer celebrations all canceled, these visitors will be looking for things to do. Not all of them will be interested in going through a flea market, but the odds are that the traffic through the front door is going to increase even more for a vending day. Again, verification for my theory.
The extra traffic to the flea market will not only be good for us but for the other vendors on site as well since all of us lost three months of business when the market was closed. Will we all be able to recover from the closure with the visitors coming to the area in August? I think it is going to help all vendors in a very positive way this year. 2021 will be different if public events return without much change.
Find Us Online
You can follow JamBusters! online by liking our Facebook Page. We look forward to seeing you at our booth just inside the current main entrance of the Oliver Indoor Flea Market.